The Telangana Board of Intermediate Education (TG BIE) on Wednesday announced a schedule for spot evaluation of the intermediate exams answer scripts, which will commence from March 10.
To begin with, the Board will be holding evaluation of Sanskrit paper I and II from March 10. The other answer scripts will be evaluated in four spells commencing with paper I and II of English, Telugu, Hindi, Mathematics and political science from March 22.
In the second spell
commencing March 24, physics and economics paper – I and II will be evaluated followed by evaluation of paper I and II of chemistry and commerce in the third spell from March 26. Lastly, during the fourth spell paper I and II of history, botany and zoology answer scripts will be evaluated in the fourth spell from March 28.
This time, the TG BIE increased the number of spot evaluation camps from 17 to 19 in the State. The Board instructed all camp officials to report as per the schedule given to them.