Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will be handing over appointment letters to 36,950 assistant teachers from council official schools. The ceremony will take today, December 5, at 11 am at the Chief Minister’s residence.
Under the ongoing ‘Mission Rozgar’, UP CM Yogi will be distributing the appointment letters to the teachers through an online ceremony as a safety measure amid the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Apart from distributing the appointment letter, CM Yogi will also be interacting with the assistant school teachers who will be recruited today.
On August 16, 2020,
appointment letters were distributed to 31,227 assistant school teachers. Today, 36,950 school teachers will be given their appointment letters under the UP 69,000 teacher recruitment drive 2020.
Before this recruitment drive, the Uttar Pradesh government has also appointed over 54,000 teachers in the state. The state government will also be taking up the issue of the endogenous transfers of the teachers.
Earlier this year, an announcement was also made regarding the expediting of the UP 69,000 recruitment drive 2020, and nearly 31,666 appointment letters were allotted to the assistant school teachers.
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