Education Minister Partha Chatterjee said on Wednesday that the West Bengal government has decided to accept the expert recommendations to reduce the board exam 2021 syllabus for classes 10 and 12 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The education minister told reporters that the syllabus reforms committee and the secondary board and higher secondary councils had suggested the Madhyamik (class 10) and Uchha Madhyamik (class 12) syllabus to be reduced for the academic year 2020-21 due to the Covid-19 situation because of which schools have been
closed for around eight months now.
“We have accepted their report for reducing the syllabus load at the secondary and higher secondary levels,” Partha Chatterjee said as per PTI.
A 30-35% syllabus reduction at higher and higher secondary levels has been decided by the syllabus reforms committee for board exam 2021.
Partha Chatterjee said that the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education would declare the West Bengal Uchha Madhyamik and Madhyamik exam dates at an appropriate time.
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