Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday announced the launch of an ambitious, state-wide, free coaching facility programme from next month to help students prepare for various competitive examinations. Named ‘Abhyudaya’, the free coaching facility will start from upcoming Basant Panchami, the day of worship to the goddess of learning, Saraswati, said Adityanath during his address on the state’s establishment day.
“From the day of Basant Panchami, ‘Abhyudaya’, the free coaching facility for students of the state appearing in various competitive examinations will commence,” said the chief minister. “In the first phase, it will be in 18
divisional headquarters of the state, where coaching will be imparted physically and virtually. Officials will also devote their time and experts will also be posted there,” he said.
The chief minister said the educational infrastructure of various universities and colleges would be used for providing the free coaching to students in the state for which a panel too would be formed. “The classes will be held physically as well as virtually and guidance will be given for various examinations be it the NEET, IITJEE, NDA, CDS or UPSC examinations. The coaching centres will give a new platform to youths and motivate them to take a new flight and scale new heights,” Adityanath said.
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