Haryana Home Minister and AYUSH Minister Anil Vij on Wednesday said that yoga will be introduced as an educational subject in Haryana. He also said that the number of yogashalas in the state would be increased to 2000 to promote yoga.
He said that the first Sunday of each month would be celebrated as Yoga Day and more yoga instructors would be hired as decided at a Haryana Yoga
Council meeting at which Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar and Yoga Guru Ramdev were also present.
"Haryana Yoga Council's meet concluded in presence of CM and Swami Ramdev. It was decided to increase number of Yogashalas to 2000, to include Yoga as a subject in education, to celebrate the first Sunday of the month as a Yoga Day, and to recruit Yoga instructors" Vij tweeted in Hindi.
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