Alia Bhatt was set to travel abroad for an award show. Unfortunately, the actress had to skip the event reportedly due to a family emrgency. As per a media report, Alia's maternal grandfather, Narendra Razdan, is critical. He has been unwell for a while now. Mr Razdan was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital, sometime back, due to a lung infection. Since his infection got worse, the doctors decided to shift him to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). However, it was later decided not to take him to the ICU and make him comfortable within the room itself.

According to the Times Of India, Alia Bhatt had reached the airport, but she decided

to stay back for grandfather.

"Mr. Narendra Razdan is Soni Razdan's father and Alia's grandfather. He has been in the Breach Candy hospital for quite some time now. He had a lung infection which got worse. In the morning, the family got a distress call that the doctors wanted to shift him to the ICU. There was a decision taken not to take him to the ICU, but to make him comfortable within the room. He's 95 and as of now he's in the sunset hours. Alia turned back from the airport because she didn't want to be there at the award function while her grandfather was going through a very vulnerable time," a source told the media portal.
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