Aamir Khan has officially announced the wedding date for his daughter, Ira Khan. The announcement came days after Aamir and his first ex-wife, Reena Dutta, were spotted together in Mumbai. It appeared that the two had gone out for gold shopping, which fans assumed was for Ira's wedding. Now, the actor revealed that Ira will be marrying her boyfriend, Nupur Shikare, on January 3. Earlier this year, Ira and Nupur got engaged and celebrated with a small and enjoyable engagement party attended by close family and friends. 

While there were speculations that the wedding might happen by the end of the year, Aamir Khan has confirmed that the wedding will mark the beginning of 2024. Aamir also expressed that he anticipates being quite emotional on his daughter's wedding day, and the family is getting mentally prepared for this significant event. 

Speaking to News18, Aamir confirmed the date and said, "Ira is getting married on January 3. The boy she has chosen is

— waise toh pet name unka naam Popoye hai — he is trainer, he has arms like Popoye but his name is Nupur. He is a lovely boy. When Ira was battling depression, he was with her. He is really someone who has stood by her and emotionally supported her. I am happy that she has selected a boy who… they are so happy together. They are very well connected, they really look after each other and care for each other."

"This might be a filmy dialogue but I feel Nupur is like a son. Nupur is such a fine boy, we really feel he’s part of the family and his mother, Pritam ji, is someone who is already a part of our family," the Taare Zameen Par star said. Adding that Ira's wedding is going to be an emotional moment, he expressed, "Main toh bada emotional hota hoon bhai, uss din main bahut rone waala hoon yeh toh tay hai. Discussions have already begun in the family that ‘Aamir ko sambaalna uss din (take care of Aamir that day)’ because I am very emotional. I can’t control my smile nor my tears."
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