Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan's upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha has been trending on Twitter and not for the right reasons. The micro-blogging site Twitter is bombarded with the hashtag 'Boycott Laal Singh Chaddha' and netizens have been campaigning against the film. They are asking people to not watch the film. Aamir Khan recently opened up about the flak that the film has been receiving. He shared that he feels sad about the approach people have toward his films. 

According to a leading newsmagazine report, when asked if

such campaigns against his films make upset him, Aamir said that it makes him "sad". The superstar said: "Yes, I feel sad. Also, I feel sad that some of the people who are saying this, in their heart, they believe that I am someone who doesn't like India. In their hearts they believe, but it is untrue. It is rather unfortunate that some people feel that way. That's not the case. Please don't boycott my film. Please watch my film."

The film is getting backlash on social media for comments that the actor made about India a few years ago.
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