Aamir Khan gave four years of his life to Laal Singh Chaddha. In fact, Kareena Kapoor Khan had to audition for her part in the film. From constant shifts in the release date to the ‘Boycott Laal Singh Chaddha’ trend, the film faced multiple hiccups prior to its release. However, Laal Singh Chaddha went on to become a box office disaster and could barely manage to mint Rs 100 crore. As per latest reports, Aamir has decided to forgo his fee to make up for the losses incurred by producers, Viacom 18.

Aamir Khan-starrer Laal Singh Chaddha has gone on to become a box office dud. What cinephiles believed to be the game-changer for Bollywood, went on to become a centre for controversies. Now, a latest Bollywood

Hungama report states that Aamir has reportedly decided to waive his fee for the film to compensate for the producers’ loss after the film failed at the box office. A source shared with the portal, “If Aamir Khan decides to charge his acting fees, Viacom 18 Studios would have entailed losses of nearly Rs. 100 crores. However, that loss is something that Aamir Khan has decided to absorb himself. Now, the producer will lose nominal money.”

The source further added, “He gave four years to the film but has not made a single penny from it. His opportunity cost on Laal Singh Chaddha is upwards of Rs. 100 crores, but he has decided to absorb all the losses taking the complete blame of failure on himself.”
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