Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan, who got engaged to Nupur Shikhare last November, is all set to tie the knot on January 3 next year. Ahead of their big day, Ira and Nupur's friends and family members have started the wedding festivities. Ira on Friday evening took to her Instagram handle to share a series of pictures and videos from the celebrations also featuring her close family members and close friends. Ira and Nupur had a Kelvan ceremony ahead of the wedding, which is an important ritual in Marathi weddings. 

This festivity involves the bride and groom's family members meeting each other before the actual wedding date. Kelvan is a cherished tradition where the families of the bride and

groom come together for a delectable pre-wedding meal, which serves as a delightful invitation to the upcoming nuptials. This heartwarming custom fosters a strong sense of unity and celebration, allowing both families to forge meaningful connections before the big day.

In the series of pictures, Ira can be seen wearing a stunning pink-coloured leheria saree with a big nose ring. On the other hand, Nupur wore casual long printed kurta for the festivities.

Meanwhile, Ira Khan recently made headlines for a mental health campaign, along with her dad Aamir Khan. The duo even shared a video online urging people to take it seriously and shared a few helplines for those in need. 
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