Actor-comedian Sunil Grover who rose to fame after playing the role of 'Guthi' went through a heart surgery and is now on a road to recovery. The hospital sources informed news agency PTI in an interview that the 44-year-old was admitted to the city's Asian Heart Institute last week and underwent the medical procedure on January 27. 

"He had heart surgery and the patient is absolutely fine now. He should be discharged soon. We

can't divulge any more information about his health," the hospital source said. As soon as the news about Sunil's surgery spread, his fans and celebs like Simi Garewal took to Twitter and poured in get well soon wishes.

Simi Garewal tweeted, "Am shocked that @WhoSunilGrover has had heart surgery. Filling our hearts with laughter & joy..at the cost of his own... I pray he recovers fast.. He has a formidable talent..& I'm a huge fan!!"
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