Shah Rukh Khan's videos from Mecca have gone viral on social media. In the viral videos and photos, the Bollywood star can be seen performing Umrah in the holy city. In the visuals shared by the paparazzi and fan accounts of the actor, SRK is seen dressed in white and is surrounded by a number of people around him. He has covered his face with a mask.

As soon as the photos surfaced online, SRKians rushed to the comment section to react to them."This just made me so happy.. May Allah accept his prayers and guide us all," a user wrote. Another one said, "Neither King nor beggar everyone is equal when they are in front of Almighty Allah." "Masha'Allah so proud of him and love him more

fillah for this.. May Allah bless, protect and guide him to the straight path Insha'Allah," a third one wrote.

Shah Rukh Khan was in Saudi Arabia for the shooting of his upcoming film, Dunki. As he wrapped the shooting of the film there, he posted a video from the shoot location on Instagram and thanked the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Culture and the film's team for making it a successful project.

In the video, SRK is seen in a black coat while also sporting black sunglasses to match with his attire. He appeared to be in the middle of the Arabian desert. He said, "There's nothing more satisfying than completing a shooting schedule as is with Dunki here in Saudi."
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