Shah Rukh Khan's comeback movie Pathaan has been smashing records since the day of its release. The movie was released in the theatres on 25th January and since then the box office collection has continued unabated. In just 6 days the film has earned more than 600 crore globally. Analyzing the record-breaking sales, now the makers have implemented a clever strategy to maintain the box office success. Yash Raj Films have slashed Pathaan's ticket prices to 25% to sustain the earnings.

This decision to cut ticket prices was made by producer Aditya Chopra, who saw the potential for the film to grow even bigger. This move is unusual as producers typically reduce ticket prices in the second week of the film's release, but Aditya Chopra made the decision just five days after the film's release. The reduced ticket prices will likely attract more movie-goers, increasing the film's overall

performance at the box office.

Trade analysts predict that the film has the potential to earn 1000 crore rupees in the next one week, putting it in the same league as other successful films such as Bahubali, KGF, and RRR. "Pathan" is also set to leave its mark internationally, surpassing the earnings of Avatar 2 and Marvel in many countries.

You can book movie tickets for Pathaan online with platforms like Paytm and BookMyShow. Previously priced between Rs 180 to Rs 2100 in Delhi NCR, the ticket cost has been reduced and is now available starting at Rs 75. Pathaan revolves around an Indian spy who can get into any system or circle given his stealth and chameleon abilities to merge with the world that he resides in. The film is the first of SRK's three films after a hiatus of over four years. The movie also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in pivotal roles.
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