Salman Khan and his father Salim Khan, who is a film producer-screenwriter received a threat letter days after the killing of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala. An FIR has been filed against an unknown person and a probe is underway in the case. Further details are awaited in the case. As per a tweet by news agency ANI, "Actor Salman Khan & his father Salim Khan received a threat letter, today. Bandra Police has filed an FIR against an unknown person & further probe is underway: Mumbai Police." This isn't the first time that this has happened as previously ahead of his court hearing in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case, the actor received a death threat on social media.

On early Sunday morning, Salim Khan was sitting on a bench at the Bandra

Bandstand, which is his routine, after a morning walk when an unidentified man handed him a letter which mentioned a threat to kill Salim and Salman, the official said. Later, with the help of his security personnel, Salim Khan contacted the police and an FIR was registered under section 506-II (Criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Bandra police station.

It is still not sure whether the threat has been received from gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. He made headlines a couple of years later when he vowed to kill Salman Khan for his alleged involvement in the infamous black buck killing case. In June 2021, Bishnoi was shifted to Tihar Jail and since then he has been several times found running his gang from inside the jail premises.
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