After Bollywood’s Badshah Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor’s name has been added to the list of stars being honoured at Saudi Arabia's Red Sea International Film Festival. As per Variety, apart from Kapoor, Lebanese writer-director and actor Nadine Labaki will receive an honorary award at the festival's upcoming second edition running from December 1-10 in Jeddah.

Ranbir, who will receive Saudi Arabia's prestigious award, is currently donning the responsibilities of a new daddy after welcoming a daughter with Alia Bhatt on November 6. The actor is among India’s top talents and hails from a legendary family, who rose to fame with Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial Saawariya. Other

than receiving the award, Ranbir will be discussing his career in an onstage event on December 7 at Vox Cinemas, Red Sea Mall.

Red Sea fest CEO Mohammed Al Turki issued a press statement explaining how Ranbir and Nadine are an ideal choice for the honourary award at the festival this year. “Nadine Labaki and Ranbir Kapoor are two remarkable talents in the film industry. We are honored to be partnering with Variety to recognise their huge talent and contribution to the industry, and to be hosting ‘In Conversation’ events with each of them to hear about their past success and hopes for the future. Each a unique storyteller, we look forward to welcoming them to Jeddah,” he said.
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