Sushmita Sen recently left everyone shocked when she revealed that she had just survived a major heart attack. The actress was hospitalised at Mumbai's Nanavati Hospital for an angioplasty and stent placement. Nonetheless, the actress has already started her healing process and is practising yoga stretching exercises after receiving approval from her doctor.
On Tuesday, the actress posted a photo of herself stretching on a wheel. She captioned it, " #wheeloflife cleared by my cardiologist…stretching begins!!! What a feeling!!! #oneweek #slowandsteady #breathe This is my
"Happy Holi" …how was yours? I love you guys!!! #duggadugga #yourstruly."
Earlier, after sharing the news about her heart attack on Instagram, Sushmita Sen conducted an Instagram Live. The actress gave a health update stating, "I survived a very big heart attack. It was very big. 95 percent blockage in the main artery. It was a phase and it passed. It doesn’t put fear in my heart."
She added, "I am very lucky to be on the other side. It doesn’t put fear in me, instead I now have a feeling of promise to look forward to something."