Satish Kaushik left for his heavenly abode at the age of 66 on Thursday, March 9. The actor-filmmaker passed away unexpectedly after suffering a heart attack. The actor felt uneasy after celebrating Holi with friends and family in Delhi. He was taken to the hospital, but was declared dead when he reached there. He is now survived by his wife, Shashi Kaushik and daughter Vanshika, who is 10 years old. Days after his death, the police are probing the case of the late actor. According to the post-mortem report, the cause of death was cardiac arrest due to coronary artery blockage, which is associated with coronary artery diseases. 

Going by the latest report of ANI, "In actor Satish Kaushik's death case, inquiry initiated into allegations of foul play made by a woman (wife of one Vikas Malu). An inspector-level officer from the South West district has been asked to probe the entire matter. Woman to be called by police to record her statement: Delhi Police." 

On Saturday, ANI reported, "A crime team of district police visited the farmhouse in southwest Delhi where the party was organised & recovered some medicines."

The news agency reported that "Party was organized at the farmhouse of an industrialist. Police is going through the guest list. The party was attended by an industrialist who

is wanted in a case."

The report also states that no prohibited medications have been discovered, although it is being investigated which salts were found in the medicines. Police are awaiting the viscera report. It won't be clear what Satish Kaushik had eaten until the report has been examined.

Earlier, Vikas Malu's second wife made serious claims against her husband, claiming he was responsible for the actor's death.  

Vikas Malu's wife told ANI, "I have got a complaint registered in connection with Satish Ji's death. He had come to my husband's farmhouse for a party, where his health deteriorated. Some objectionable medicines have also been found from the farmhouse."

She claimed that Vikas Malu and Satish Kaushik had business ties and a monetary conflict. She further told the news agency, "In August 2022, an argument broke out between Satish Ji and my husband, where Satish ji demanded Rs 15 crores that he had earlier given to him. But, my husband said that he will give the money in India. When I later asked from him about the money, my husband said that he borrowed the money from Satish ji, but the money went for loss during the Covid period." 

His wife also revealed that Vikas was in no mood to return the money to Satish Kaushik. 
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