Aishwarya Rajinikanth and Dhanush parted ways in January 2022 after 18 years of togetherness. After their separation, the couple were seen together at their elder son Yatra's school event. Recently, there were rumours doing the rounds that the estranged couple are likely to patch up. However, a recent report suggests that they are not getting back together and are co-parenting their sons.

Aishwarya Rajinikanth and Dhanush were one of the famous couples in Tamil cinema. While Dhanush is an award-winning actor, Aishwarya is a filmmaker.

In January 2022, Aishwarya and Dhanush announced their decision to part ways on their respective Instagram pages. Recently, there were reports of them patching up. A source told Hindustan Times, "Dhanush is not working on his differences with

Aishwaryaa. They are separated and gone in different directions. They have made peace with the turn of events in their life, and accepted that they can’t be together."

The two are now charting out a plan to co-parent their two sons, Yatra and Linga. "The buzz that they are trying to reconcile is wrong. They aren’t. When it comes to divorce, they have not filed it yet, so they are separated. There is no filing in the court. They won’t even file for divorce until and unless one of them wants to get married again, which is not the case at the moment. They don’t live together, but respect each other and share a cordial bond for their kids. They are busy raising their kids, and finding ways to co-parent. They are taking turns to keep their kids so that they don’t feel a void in their life,” the source added.
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