In the year 2024, Bollywood's Singham Ajay Devgn made a flurry of films. Many of his big films were released from March to November. While he opened his account at the box office with the supernatural horror thriller film 'Shaitaan' with R Madhavan, this year the account of 'Bajirao Singham' closed with Rohit Shetty's film 'Singham Again'. Meanwhile, the list of Ajay's films to be released in 2025 is also slowly being revealed. One of his most awaited films 'Raid 2' has been in the news for a long time. Now the makers have finally revealed when Ajay Devgn will return to the screen as Amay Patnaik.
story of Ajay Devgn's Raid 2 will move forward from the first part. The story of the film will be based on the 'Income Tax' raid conducted by the Income Tax Department. Ajay will once again be seen as the powerful character of Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer Amay Patnaik. Directed by Rajkumar Gupta, this Ajay starrer was earlier scheduled to release on February 25 next year, but now the release date of this crime thriller film has been extended. The actor released a new poster on his official Instagram account and revealed that now 'Raid-2' will come to theatres in the month of May. The new release date of the film is May 1, 2025.