Ajith Kumar's father Subramaniam breathed his last on March 24 in Chennai. He was 85. Ajith Kumar's fans took to social media to offer condolences to the actor and his family members. His mortal remains will be cremated at the Besant Negar crematorium at around 10 am. He his survived by his wife Mohini and three children Anup Kumar, Ajith Kumar and Anil Kumar.

The actor is on a vacation with his wife Shalini and kids in Europe and is expected to reach Chennai soon. After the demise, a joint statement by Anup Kumar, Ajith Kumar and Anil Kumar reads, "Our father, P.S. Mani, passed away in the early hours of this morning, in his sleep, after a long illness. He was 85. We are grateful for the care and support provided to him and our family by a number of medical professionals,

especially following his debilitating stroke of four years ago.

We are comforted, at this time of grief, that he lived a good life and knew the undying love of our mother, his partner of nearly six decades. We appreciate the kind, comforting messages and condolences that have been coming in and ask for your understanding if we may not be able to take calls or respond to messages in a timely manner. His last rites will be a family affair. We trust that all who have known loss will respect our wish to grieve privately and deal with his passing with as much equanimity and dignity as possible."

Reportedly, police have been deployed at his house for additional security. His mortal remains will be taken to Besant Nagar crematorium, where he will be cremated. 
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