Akshay Kumar and Ananya Panday are currently travelling across several states in India for the shoot of his upcoming project. Now both the actors have set their base in Delhi for the next few days to wrap up the remaining shoot schedule of this Karan Singh Tyagi-directed project. According to the reports, the two, along with the film’s team are now headed to Haryana for four days.

“Akshay and Ananya have a long shooting schedule in Delhi. They shot for a very small portion of the film in old Delhi yesterday. They have now gone to Rewari district in Haryana to wrap up some major sequences,” says a source, adding, “The actors will be shooting at the Rewari railway station and Rewari Railway Heritage Museum. Once that’s done, they will, and then they will return to the national capital and

will be stationed here till June 22-23.”

For their Delhi shoot itinerary, Kumar and Panday will shoot at popular locations including Red Fort, Sundar Nursery and some sequences are planned in colleges in North Campus area as well. “The film’s team is panning their camera towards multiple sides of the national capital. After capturing the essence of old Delhi, they will also add a historic touch with a shoot planned at Red Fort, and then showing the lush greenery of the city with Sundar Nursery and the vibrancy with Delhi University area,” informs the source. While Delhi summer is its peak and the actors have most sequences to be shot mostly daytime shoot, the source further says, “The team is not fretting about the weather condition in the city, but enjoying their time here while shooting.”
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