Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh’s ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ has won hearts all across the nation. The film has been performing well at the box-office and audiences have revealed how the film has brought back what we quintessentially associate Bollywood with. Today, August 3, the cast of the film and Karan Johar came together for a press conference. It was there that Karan Johar revealed some interesting anecdotes about the film, especially about the song ‘Kudmayi’.

Karan Johar today released the ‘Kudmayi’ song. In

‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’, the song appears at the end where Rocky and Rani finally get married. It is also the song that has all the end credits.

Talking about the song, Karan Johar revealed that Alia had shot the song just 4 days after her actual wedding, with Ranbir Kapoor. In fact, the mehendi on her hand in the song was put on for her own wedding.

Recalling the challenges, Karan Johar revealed that the song was shot in Jaisalmer. In fact, he revealed that there was a sand storm which caused a delay.
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