In the latest development in the Pushpa 2 stampede case, actor Allu Arjun has now been granted an exemption from attending Chikkadpally police station every Sunday. Apart from this, Allu Arjun can now travel to abroad as well, however, he will have to inform the police before going to other nations. For those late to the story, Allu Arjun is facing a legal case in connection with the death of a 39-year-old woman and severe injust to a minor boy during the midnight premiere of his latest release in Hyderabad.
Last Sunday, Allu arrived at the Chikkadpally police station in Hyderabad, complying with his bail conditions set by the Nampally court in the stampede case. The actor had appeared before the Metropolitan Criminal Court at Nampally on January 4, where he submitted the necessary sureties after being granted regular bail the day before.
His arrival at the court was accompanied by
tight security, as he was escorted by police personnel. The media also gathered outside the court, capturing the moment as the actor arrived to fulfil the legal requirements.
This all started after an unfortunate incident occurred on the release date of Allu Arjun-starrer Pushpa 2: The Rule at midnight of December 4, 2024. Chaos broke out after the arrival of the actor at Hyderabad's Sandhya Theatre. When a huge crowd moved towards the theatre gate before the screening, it created a stampede-like situation. Fans eager to glimpse Allu Arjun rushed towards the entrance as soon as the actor arrived.
A few days ago, Allu Arjun's father Allu Aravind had announced that the victim's family would be helped. Along with this, he had announced to give Rs 2 crore. In this amount, one crore rupees was given by Allu Arjun and the rest of the amount was given half-half by the producer and director of the film.