South superstar Allu Arjun's film 'Pushpa 2' slowed down at the box office after 33 days of its release. It has been more than a month since the release of the film, but the film is still running in theatres. Apart from this, the actor also got bail in the Sandhya Theater stampede case on January 3. The actor's family and the team of 'Pushpa 2' have been in touch with the victim's family. Not only this, financial assistance was provided by the actor. Allu Arjun's father Allu Arvind also reached to meet the victim's family. Now a month after this accident, the actor himself reached the Hyderabad
hospital to meet the victim boy Shritej on Tuesday.
For the unversed, Shritej has been admitted to Hyderabad's KIMD Hospital. Allu Arjun reached there after getting permission from the police. During this, a heavy police force has been deployed at KIMS Hospital. Its video has also surfaced. Telangana Film Corporation chairman Dil Raj also reached the hospital and enquired about Shritej's health. Talking about Shritej, his condition has remained critical for a long time and his treatment is going on. 8-year-old Shritej's mother Revathi died in the Hyderabad stampede on December 4.