The first season of Smart Jodi wrapped up on Sunday with Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain emerging as the winners. The couple, who tied the knot last year in December, took home the ‘golden gathbandhan’ and a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh. Comedian Ballraj and his wife, singer Deepti, were announced as the first runners-up. The Star Plus show, which lasted 8 weeks, was hosted by Maniesh Paul. While Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia Dsouza came as special guests on the finale,

singer Udit Narayan also enthralled the audience with his performance.

Arjun Bijlani-Neha Swami and Bhagyashree-Himalaya Dassani were also contesting in the grand finale episode but were eliminated early on. The final task had the couples putting together a jigsaw puzzle while on a moving platform. Ankita and Vicky went first and completed the task in nine minutes. Ballraj and Deepti faced some trouble and eventually completed the task in 12 minutes.
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