The seasoned actor, Anupam Kher's latest tweet is doing the rounds as he took a dig at Rahul Gandhi for his speech at Cambridge University. A fresh row began over Rahul Gandhi's speech at Cambridge University where he tore into the BJP government and PM Modi as he said Indian democracy is under attack. As Rahul Gandhi spoke about his recent Bharat Jodo Yatra, he said PM Modi is destroying the architecture of India and imposing an idea on India that the country can't absorb.

The Congress leader's comment on PM Modi definitely has upset the versatile actor Anupam Kher. He took to his Twitter handle to express his views on the matter. He wrote, "पिताजी हमेशा कहते थे, ”घर रहकर तुम घर वालों की कितनी भी बुराई कर लो, चलेगा! लेकिन, जो लोग घर से बाहर जाकर घर वालों के बारे में भला बुरा कहते है। वो ना घर के होते है, न घाट के!" ( My father always used to say, no matter how much bad you say about your family inside the house, it's fine.

But, those who go out of the house and say bad things about the family members. They can't be trusted as they don't belong anywhere.)

At the beginning of his speech, Rahul Gandhi said that Indian democracy is under pressure, and under attack and everybody knows that. "Opposition leaders in India are navigating that space. What's happening? The institutional framework which is required for democracy, Parliament, free press, Judiciary -- these are all getting constrained. We are facing an attack on the basic structure of Indian democracy," Rahul Gandhi said.

Rahul added, "Indian democracy is a public good. It is by far the largest democracy -- at least 50% of people who live in a democratic society live in India. So preserving and defending Indian democracy is more than just about India. It's actually about defending the democratic structure on the planet".

This is not the first time Anupam Kher has expressed his point of view on political matters. The actor is quite active on his Twitter handle and keeps tweeting on the matter which bothers him. Be it his controversial movies or some political issues, he keeps on voicing his opinions.
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