Amazon Prime Video on Friday announced that Anushka Shetty and R Madhavan-starrer "Nishabdham" will debut on its platform on October 2. Directed by Hemanth Madhukar, the film has been shot parallelly in both Telugu and Tamil languages. It also stars Anjali, Shalini Pandey, Subbaraju and Srinivas Avasarala. Hollywood star Michael Madsen, best known for movies such as "Kill Bill", "Reservoir Dogs", "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" and "The Hateful Eight", also features in the film in a pivotal role.

Vijay Subramaniam, Director and Head, Content, Amazon Prime Video India, said they are delighted to present the film to their subscribers.  "The successful global premieres of our recently released direct-to-digital films, have proven that good stories travel and language barriers are fast dissolving," Subramaniam said in a statement.

"The film will mark Anushka’s digital debut and brings Madhavan back to Prime Video, after the super-hit season 1 of ''Breathe''. The immensely popular actors will be seen back together on screen after 14 years – the movie promises to be a treat for viewers," he added.

The suspense thriller revolves around a speech and hearing impaired artist, her celebrity-musician husband, and the strange

disappearance of her best friend.

The artist, named Sakshi (Shetty) gets entangled in a criminal investigation when she unexpectedly witnesses a tragic incident that occurs in a villa with a reputation for being haunted and a team of police detectives are determined to get to the bottom of the case and the list of suspects ranging from a ghost to a missing young girl, the official synopsis of the film read.

Shetty said she was excited to play the character of Sakshi as it pushed her out of her comfort zone.

"I’m glad this character came my way. It was really nice to work with Madhavan again, always been an admirer of his work and each and every one of our technicians and crew, who are a part of ''Nishabdham''," she added.

Madhavan said he enjoys watching and being a part of thriller films. 

""Nishabdham'' is one of the most intriguing movies that I have been associated with. The launch of the film on Prime Video, will allow fans from around the world to experience its bold storyline! I am looking forward to the global premiere," he said. 

The film has been produced by TG Vishwa Prasad of People Media Factory in association with Kona Film Corporation.
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