Bollywood actor and director Arbaaz Khan has finally broken his silence on the Salman Khan case. Superstar's brother not only mentioned that the recent incident is disturbing but also made it clear that no statement has been made from the Khan family yet. He also appealed not to believe anyone's statement as the Salim Khan family is just helping and cooperating with the police in the investigation of this untoward incident. 

"The recent incident of firing by two unidentified people on a motorcycle at Galaxy apartment, the residence of the Salim Khan family, is very disturbing and unnerving. Our family has been taken aback by this shocking incident.

Unfortunately, some people claiming to be close to our family and pretending to be the spokesperson have been making loose statements to the media, saying it is all a publicity stunt and the family remains unaffected. This is not true and should not be taken seriously. No member of the Salim Khan family has made any statement regarding the incident to the media. At this time, the family is helping and cooperating with the police in the investigation of this untoward incident. We have faith in the Mumbai police and we have been assured they will do everything in their capacity to protect and secure our family. Thank you everyone for your love and support," read Arbaaz's statement. 
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