Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who is garnering praise for his portrayal of an antagonist in Rohit Shetty's Singham Again, opened up about suffering from an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Additionally, he also spoke about the 'worst phase' of his life and how he was diagnosed with 'mild depression'.

Arjun Kapoor, while speaking to The Hollywood Reporter India, shared, "I have something called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It's an extension of having a thyroid issue. Your antibodies fight against you. It's almost like I can take a flight and gain weight because the body goes into stress. The stress mode is when your antibodies believe something is wrong, and it goes into action. The more relaxed I am, the better I look — which is ironic because, in this profession, you're not really relaxed."

Discussing the 'worst phase' in his life, Arjun Kapoor said, "When I signed this film

(Singham Again), I was going through the worst phase of my life. Personally, professionally, emotionally, mentally and physically. I did not know whether I was depressed or not, I just knew something was not working. I was procrastinating a lot. I stopped enjoying watching films and I only know that. So for me, my life was films. And then it reached a point where I think I self-imploded. I was not a happy person. And the fire within me diminished."

During the same interview, Arjun also reflected on his mother's death and his breakup with Malaika Arora. Additionally, he shared some life advice, saying, "Relationships fulfill you but if you’re not okay, you need to figure that out. You can’t project that on a relationship or other people. It’s every day (that) you figure stuff out. I always say that every day you wake up, you need to note the new things you need to work on—whether you are in a relationship or otherwise."
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