Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, Rakul Preet Singh treated their fans to exciting news on Sunday as they announced the release of their first musical track together, titled 'The Good, The Bad, The Pretty'. The Sardar Ka Grandson co-stars will be for the first time seen shaking a leg together. Rakul and Arjun took to their social media and made the big announcement. They also shared the first poster of the song that's set to release.
Sharing the poster, Rakul wrote, "Arjun and I will raise the temperature more than the summer this time with our first ever song together. Revealing tomorrow! Stay tuned!!"
Whereas Arjun wrote, "Rakul and I are going to turn up the heat for the first time with our first ever song together! Revealing tomorrow. Stay tuned! #tseries @tseries.official #BhushanKumar @rakulpreet @darshanravaldz @zarakhan @tanishk_bagchi @shabbir_ahmed9 @sapruandrao."
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