Armaan Malik, who recently proposed to his girlfriend, Aashna Shroff, got officially engaged to her in a grand ceremony held in Mumbai on October 22. They exchanged rings in a formal set up with their families and friends in attendance. The lovebirds radiate nothing but pure couple goals in the pictures and videos they shared from the romantic ceremony.

Armaan Malik proposed to his longtime girlfriend and influencer Aashna Shroff earlier in August. Later, he also released a music video titled 'Kasam Se - The Proposal', for his lady love. Nearly two months later, the couple

officially got engaged in a formal ceremony.

Ever since the couple's dreamy proposal photos surfaced online, fans have been captivated by the couple's love story. The duo has now taken a significant step in their relationship, sealing their commitment with an official ring ceremony that transpired on Sunday, October 22.

Armaan Malik shared a series of pictures and videos on his Instagram stories. In one of the pictures to commemorate the occasion. In one of the pictures, the couple can be seen sharing a passionate kiss surrounded by their friends and family.
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