Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan, is likely to be arrested on Sunday by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) after drugs were seized from a cruise ship off Mumbai coast on Saturday night, top sources told media. Aryan Khan, who was on the cruise, has been detained, with the central agency sleuths questioning him and examining his Whats App chats.

Top sources told media that initial scanning of Aryan Khan’s phone has revealed messages which show he was regularly ordering and consuming drugs.

The case against Aryan Khan is “strong” and the central agency sleuths are likely to arrest him after the questioning is done, said the sources. “In all probability, Aryan will be arrested soon”, the sources told media.

There are seven others who have also been detained and are also likely to be arrested in the case, sources said. NCB officers are questioning Munmun Dhamecha, Nupur Sarika, Ismeet Singh, Mohak Jaswal, Vikrant Chhoker, Gomit Chopra and Arbaaz


The central agency’s team, which raided Cordelia cruise after it departed from Mumbai on Saturday night, seized drugs such as cocaine, LSD, hashish and MD from those present on board.

According to sources, a Delhi-based entity had supplied most drugs for the party on the cruise ship, while LSD was procured online.

“There were other celebrities, too, on the cruise but those who were not found possessing drugs have not been detained,” said a top source.

The NCB had launched a probe into the alleged drug use in Bollywood after the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput in June on the basis of WhatsApp chats involving drugs. The central agency had earlier arrested Rajput’s friend, actress Rhea Chakraborty, her brother Showik, some employees of the late Bollywood actor and a few others under sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. Rhea Chakraborty and some other accused are currently out on bail.
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