Filmmaker Ashutosh Gowarikar, who is one of part of the star cast of the upcoming series titled Kaala Paani, is set to arrive on the OTT next month. Netflix on Wednesday took to its social media accounts to announce the release date of the upcoming series. The series revolves around the survival of characters who try to escape from the wrath of nature. 

Ashutosh Gowarikar is known for helming several popular films including Lagaan, Swades, and

Jodhaa Akbar among others. Talking about his association with the series, Ashutosh said "Kaala Paani is a world of its own and I’m really excited to be a part of an intriguing Netflix project like this. Sameer, Amit and Biswapati have created a series with a genre that will breathe new life into our audience's viewing experience. I am hoping that audiences will be just as intrigued as I was, and enjoy it as much as I did performing in it,'' reported IANS quoting the filmmaker.
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