Actors Anushka Sharma and Athiya Shetty were seen spending time together at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) during the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy. In a viral video shared online, Athiya, who is expecting her first child with cricketer-husband KL Rahul, made her debut appearance, showcasing her baby bump as she exited the stadium alongside Anushka.
In the video, Anushka and Athiya are seen accompanied by cricketer Nitish Kumar Reddy's father, Mutyalu Reddy. The expectant mother,
Athiya Shetty, is dressed in a white and black striped full-sleeved top paired with a long denim skirt. Meanwhile, Anushka Sharma opted for a casual look, wearing a white shirt, denim pants, and carrying a black bag.
Athiya Shetty delighted fans by announcing her pregnancy on November 8, through a heartfelt social media post alongside her husband, KL Rahul. The couple, who got married in January 2023, shared their excitement and gratitude as they eagerly await the arrival of their baby in 2025.