Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover are set to welcome their first child soon. Recently, the actress's mother hosted a baby shower in a traditional Bengali way. Now, one of her friends is going to throw a baby shower for her, which will be attended by just 20 odd invitees.

After multiple speculations, Bipasha Basu, on August 16, finally dropped the announcement that she is expecting her first child with hsuband Karan Singh Grover. A few days ago, her mom hosted a baby shower ceremony, also known as shaadh in Bengali, for the actress. Now, one of her friends is hosting another baby shower for the


According to reports, the invites have already gone to the guests, which includes the venue details. The tagline of the invite and the theme of the occasion is something that grabbed attention.The tagline read - "A Lil monkey is on the way". Meanwhile, the theme or the dress code for the event mentioned, "Ladies - Pink and Peaches and Gents - Lavender and Blues."

The invite also mentioned guest to take necessary precautions for Covid-19 to ensure no harm to the baby and the soon-be-mommy.

The baby shower will be attended by around just 20 of Bipasha and Karan Grover's near and dear ones.
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