Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri has accused Bollywood of running a campaign against The Kashmir Files' submission for Oscars. The director recently lashed out at Anurag Kashyap on Twitter and wrote that the 'genocide-denier' lobby has started a campaign against his film under the leadership of the Dobaaraa director.

Vivek shared that his films Buddha In a Traffic Jam and The Tashkent Files were boycotted by the Hindi film fraternity and critics and now they are running a campaign against The Kashmir Files. "First of

all, they don't have any right to complain. If we talk about me, they have fully boycotted my Buddha In a Traffic Jam, The Tashkent Files was boycotted by the Bollywood critics and from the theatres. They are still running a campaign against The Kashmir Files Oscars submission. So they are experts in this. It is a very serious topic and I take it very seriously. According to me, Boycott is an anger of the audience due to the disconnect of the Indian middle-class people with the producers and the stars because of their arrogance," he added.
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