Akshay Kumar is on a promotional spree for his upcoming film Raksha Bandhan. Meanwhile, 'Boycott Raksha Bandhan' has been one of the trending topics on social media platforms. A section of social media users are asking people to not watch the film. The actor who was in Kolkata for the promotion of the film recently reacted to the boycott calls on social media against Raksha Bandhan as well as Laal Singh Chaddha starring Aamir Khan. Both films are set to be released Thursday.

"If you don't feel like watching the movie, then don't. It's a free country and the film is out there, so if someone wants to watch it or not, it's up to them. I would like to tell you, no matter which industry it is, be it the clothing industry, film industry or anything else, all of these help the economy. But

doing things like boycotting movies, it doesn't make sense," Akshay said.

The actor, who was in the city to promote Raksha Bandhan also appealed to people to not indulge in such trends.

"We are on the verge of making our country the biggest and the greatest. So I would just request them don't get into it and I would also request you (reporter) don't get into all this. It'll be better for our country only," he added.

Last week, hashtags calling for the boycott of "Laal Singh Chaddha" were trending on social media. Asked to comment on the social media trends, Aamir had said he was saddened by the boycott calls and urged the audience to not snub his film. Later, similar hashtags against Akshay's Raksha Bandhan also popped up on online platforms.
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