The stage is set for Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt-led fantasy drama Brahamastra, The film is releasing in the theaters at a time when the fans of Hindi cinema are starved for good content. In such a scenario, the big question is whether this passion project of Ayan Mukerji has the muscle to push past the burden of Laal Singh Chaddha, Raksha Bandhan, Shamshera and Liger’s debacle to become the biggest film in the post-pandemic times. Film trade experts have given an affirmative nod and are confident that Brahmastra has everything it needs to be a blockbuster at the box office.

Made on an expansive budget of Rs 410 crore, Brahmastra has come as a ray of hope, suggests film trade analyst Taran Adarsh. He says, “Brahmastra is a very significant film. As we know the last few weeks have been terrible for the Hindi film industry. We have had disaster after disaster. The sad part was that the films were not picking up at

all. Shows were being canceled, and this was happening for big star cast films. Somewhere down the line, the content was to be blamed and trailers could not send out the right signals. So, all in all, it has been a very depressing phase. But the advance booking of Brahmastra has brought in some cheer and a ray of hope. Hopefully, things will improve starting with this film.”

Brahmastra has already sold over one lakh tickets in one of the leading cinema chains, PVR. Taran noted that for the film to ensure a good opening weekend, it would be important for its advance booking to stay strong till Thursday night. Also, as per him, the spot bookings will play a key role in the film’s opening day collection, and the early indicators suggest an opening box office collection of over Rs 25 crore. In film exhibitor Akshaye Rathi’s opinion, “We are probably looking at the top opener since we emerged from the pandemic.”
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