South Indian superstar Allu Arjun is in the limelight for 'Pushpa 2'. Recently the first song of this movie was released, in which the actor's swag won the hearts of people. Where on one end the makers are gearing up for the release of Pushpa 2: The Rule. On the other end, Andhra Pradesh Police has registered a case against him. For the unversed, along with the Lok Sabha elections, assembly elections are also to be held in Andhra Pradesh. Allu Arjun's friend and YSRCP MLA Shilpa Ravi is the candidate from Nanghal seat. In such a situation, on the last day of his election campaign, the actor came to support his friend. But after his
arrival, a huge crowd gathered outside the MLA's house.
A huge crowd gathered outside the MLA's house to get a glimpse of Allu Arjun. This worsened the situation and it became difficult for the guards to control the crowd. Due to the election environment in Andhra Pradesh, the code of conduct is in force. In such a situation, as soon as information was received about a crowd gathering for the actor outside the MLA's house, the police took strict action. Amid all this, a case has been registered against the actor. Such information has come to light that Allu Arjun even gave a glimpse to his fans outside the MLA's house.