Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi-starrer ‘Oh My God 2’ was sent to the Censor Board's revising committee to ensure that the dialogues and scenes in the film do not create any issues. The Censor Board wanted to be careful after the ‘Adipurush’ debacle and the backlash it received for its dialogues. Now, the buzz is that CBFC’s revising committee has suggested around 15-20 cuts in the film.

The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has suggested as many as 15-20 cuts in the Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi-starrer. The makers are not keen on making the cuts

and are planning to make an appeal against these changes. Sources tell India Today that ‘OMG2’ went to the revising committee after the examining committee of the censor board found some content in the film to be up for review. The exact nature of the scenes and dialogues which are up for contention is not yet known.

The teaser for the film was released on July 11 and it was well received by the audience.

The official release date for ‘OMG2’ is August 11 and if the deadlock between CBFC and makers continues then it might undergo some change.
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