After hitting the big screens on the occasion of Dusshera, Chiranjeevi and Salman Khan's Telugu action thriller GodFather is all set for its digital premiere. The movie is the remake of Mohanlal's 2019 hit Malayalam film Lucifer. When the Telugu language film was released on October 5, there was huge anticipation surrounding the project. The makers roped in Salman for a cameo role and he also matched steps with Megastar Chiranjeevi in the peppy song Thaar Maar Thakkar Maar. Now, the movie's OTT premiere will be looked forward to by the


The streaming rights of GodFather have been bagged by Netflix. The movie will be released on the streaming site on November 19. Netflix India shared a social media post announcing the same on Wednesday. Fans who could not watch the film on the big screens will be able to enjoy it from the comfort of their homes soon. The post on social media announcing the OTT premiere of GodFather read, "The megastar of Tollywood meets the megastar of Bollywood! #Godfather is coming to Netflix on the 19th of November (sic)."
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