Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy criticised the film industry’s response to a stampede that claimed the life of a woman during the screening of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. Referring to film personalities visiting lead actor Allu Arjun’s residence after the incident, he questioned, “Did his hand or leg break? Why is the film industry rushing to meet him at his house? But no one visited the grieving family.” The Telangana government has since announced Rs 25 lakh financial assistance for the victim’s


The incident has not only prompted swift action from the state but also sparked heated debates in the Telangana Assembly over safety protocols and the role of the film industry, including the conduct of Allu Arjun and other film personalities.

During the assembly session, AIMIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi alleged that Allu Arjun displayed insensitivity upon learning of the stampede and subsequent death, reportedly stating, “Now the movie will be a hit.” This statement has drawn sharp criticism, with members accusing the actor of negligence.
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