A new twist came in the case of comedian and actor Sunil Pal's kidnapping on Tuesday. Two audios of Sunil Pal have gone viral, after which this case seems to be a drama done for a publicity stunt or something else instead of kidnapping. However, whether these videos are original or fake, is yet to be investigated. Sunil Pal's voice is heard in them. But India TV does not confirm this audio.

In the first audio, a person is telling Sunil on the phone that they did what the comedian said. "Now you are not doing the right thing," the man says. On this, Sunil Pal says, "I did not do anything. If the media were after me, I would have said something. I did not complain." On this, the person says, "Did you not tell your

wife beforehand, she complained." No complaint was made. The media along with cyber crime people took out all this. Save yourself now and do not talk about meeting now," Sunil says in the audio. 

After this, Sunil Pal has released an audio statement of his. In which he said that the voice in the first audio is his. But the kidnappers have recorded it by threatening him. "The kidnappers have all his details. They are threatening to kill the family. I said whatever they said," the comedian said. 

SSP Vipin Tada from UP Police said that his team is investigating the matter. The audio will also be investigated. Efforts are also being made to record the statement of Sunil Pal or his wife.
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