Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra said he has received a complaint against the actress for her tweet in which she referred to the 2020 Galwan Valley clash, and he has forwarded the same to the police for legal opinion. He also criticised the actor saying her tweet showed her "tukde-tukde" mentality.

The actor had tweeted "Galwan says hi" in response to the Northern Army Commander Lt General Upendra Dwivedi's statement that the Indian Army is "waiting for orders from the govt (sic)" in reclaiming Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).

Chadha's tweet caused a severe backlash on Twitter, with netizens including celebrities, criticising her for mocking the sacrifice of the

Indian Armed forces.

In a video statement on Saturday, Mishra said the actor should learn to differentiate between the Army and cinema. "There is a difference between reel and real life," the minister said, daring Chadha to lead the life of a soldier, who lives in extreme weather conditions to protect the country.

"Your comment has hurt the patriots. This comment shows her 'tukde-tukde' mentality. I have received a complaint against her and have sent it to the police for legal opinion," Mishra said. For the unversed, "Tukde-Tukde" is a term often used by right-wing parties to attack the opposition, particularly Left and Left-backed outfits as well as those who support them.
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