Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh is making the headlines everyday ever since they featured in the opening episode of the new season of popular celebrity chat show, Koffee With Karan. On the show, Deepika talked about the time when she started dating Ranveer and how they were allowed to see other people during the starting phase of their unofficial relationship. For this comment, a section of people criticised the actress and after the episode went online, the two even became a meme fodder for the netizens. However, the actress also got support from many of her fans across the globe as they defended her living her life on her terms. Recently, a popular Congress leader has also come forward in support of the actress and penned a long note in support of Deepika on X (formerly twitter).

Indian National Congress (INC)'s spokesperson Supriya Shrinate in her post

wrote, '', ''What have we become? A couple sits together on a talk show and talks about their relationship, their marriage, their courtship. A young woman, who is a super achiever talks about her struggles with mental health - she actually emboldens many more to deal with this unspoken demon. A young man, no mean achiever either, talks about how he stood by her when she went through the trauma.''

Attacking the trolls, Supriya wrote, ''Instead of applauding their courage to speak about issues  that we brush under the carpet as a society - they, especially the woman has become the subject of vicious trolling, character assassination and vulgar memes. Why can’t people handle reality, why do raw human emotions make them uncomfortable, why does everything have to be candy flossed, why have people become this bitter, so full of hate, so inhumane and so judgemental?''
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