Shah Rukh Khan's ‘Dunki’ was released in cinema halls earlier today, December 21. The Rajkumar Hirani film has received mixed reviews from critics even though fans seemed to have enjoyed the emotional drama. Also starring Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani and Anil Grover, among others, ‘Dunki’ is said to have brought the perfect end to SRK's purple year. As per industry tracker Sacnilk, the film opened to Rs 30 crore, a figure justified given it was released in just one language. ‘Pathaan’ on the other hand opened to Rs 57 crore, while ‘Jawan’ raked in a massive Rs 75 crore.

Trade analyst Ramesh Bala told that the final figures of ‘Dunki’ Day 1 could be anywhere around Rs 30-35 crore. He also added that given it has the advantage of a five-day weekend (including Christmas on Monday), the film could close at Rs

150 crore after the first weekend.

Talking about the film, he shared, "As a movie, it stood up to everyone's expectations. It has Rajkumar Hirani's brand of humour, added to a heartwarming performance by SRK as the lead. Most reviews are positive and it looks like Dunki will do decently well. It's a feel-good genre unlike his last releases 'Pathaan' and 'Jawan' but it definitely will find its audience."

Echoing his thoughts, Girish Johar, producer and film business analyst shared that given the genre, 'Dunki' will benefit from the positive word of mouth. He added that this is probably why the makers were confident to release it in the middle of the week. "The film has emerged as a success and looks like it's a hattrick for Shah Rukh Khan. The first two were blockbusters and hopes are high with 'Dunki' too," he added.
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