Deepika Padukone has been announced as a presenter among the celebrities presenting at the 95th Oscars. Taking to Instagram, the actress shared a post with the names of all the presenters, which includes Riz Ahmed, Emily Blunt, Glenn Close, Troy Kotsur, Dwayne Johnson, Jennifer Connelly, Samuel L. Jackson, Melissa McCarthy, Zoe Saldana Donnie Yen, Jonathan Majors and Questlove. Sharing the post, the actress simply wrote, "#oscars#oscars95." The 95th Academy Awards will be held on March 12 (March 13 in India) at Los Angeles' Dolby Theatre.

Reacting to Deepika's husband-actor Ranveer Singh dropped angel face and clapping hands emojis in the comment section. Neha Dhupia commented, "Can't wait to watch you Deepu." Deepika Padukone's fans also flooded the comment section. A user wrote, "Pathaan's girl at the Oscar," another said, "Make way for the Queen! She's winning left, right, and centre. There's no stopping her, or even slowing her down." For those

unversed, Deepika Padukone unveiled a FIFA World Cup trophy in Qatar. Also, last year she was one of the jury members at Cannes.  

The 95th Academy Awards will be held on March 12 (March 13 in India) at Los Angeles' Dolly Theatre. It's a special year for India at the Oscars. This time around, not just one, but three significant Indian movies are competing for the coveted Oscars Awards 2023 nominations. 

RRR is on the shortlist for Best Original Song for the dance song Naatu Naatu, which won the Golden Globe Award in the same category earlier this year. Shaunak Sen's 'All That Breathes' has been nominated for Best Documentary Feature Film and Guneet Monga's The Elephant Whisperers for Best Documentary Short. Also, Naatu Naatu will be performed live on stage at the 95th Academy Awards. Singers Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava, in their Oscar debut, will be performing the track on stage, the Academy announced recently.
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