Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt starrer Brahmastra will hit theatres on September 9 this year. Helmed by Ayan Mukerji, the film also features Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna and Mouni Roy in key roles. However, if reports are to be believed, Deepika Padukone will be making a cameo in the movie. Also, she will be staring in Brahmastra 2. Reportedly, Ayan revealed the second part of the film be introducing a new character called 'Dev' and the makers have locked Deepika to play the character of


According to Pinkvilla, "The makers have locked Deepika Padukone to play the character of Parvati. In-fact, Deepika will also make a cameo towards the end of Brahmastra, which will eventually take the film into the second part."

"Interestingly, the first part is about Shiva and Isha, which is another name for Mahadev and Parvati. All the characters are interlinked. It's Ayan's own universe deep-rooted in Indian mythology. The world is unlike anything one has seen before in world cinema," reports added.
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