Last year, Rohit Shetty revealed that Deepika Padukone would be seen as a cop in 'Singham Again'. The filmmaker officially announced the same at the song launch of 'Cirkus'. In December 2022, Shetty mentioned, "We are making 'Singham' next. Everyone kept asking me who is the lady cop in my universe. So today, let me confirm that Deepika Padukone will be the lady Singham, the lady cop in 'Singham Again'. We start shooting next year."

Now, it is being reported that Deepika will be seen playing the role of Ajay Devgn's sister in the third installment of


A source close to the development told Bollywood Hungama, "Deepika Padukone is all excited for Rohit Shetty’s 'Singham Again'. She will be playing the first female cop of the Rohit Shetty Universe and has already started prep work for this action-packed part. Deepika’s character is more along the lines of a Lady Singham and has the arc of being Ajay Devgn’s sister in the film."

The source further mentioned, "It’s a well-written role and more than just a cameo. It’s more like a proper extended appearance for Deepika in 'Singham' and she will be shooting for around 35 to 40 days."
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