Dhvani Bhanushali, who is popularly known for songs like Vaaste and Leja Re, revealed a new song on Saturday. The singer treated fans with the new song titled 'Garbo' ahead of the Navratri festival. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), the singer unveiled the song with a special mention to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. As per the tweet, the lyrics of the song is penned by PM Modi and the singer mentioned that she wanted to make a song with a 'fresh rhythm, composition, and flavour.' The music of the song is composed by Tanishk Bagchi. 

''Dear @narendramodi Ji, #TanishkBagchi and I loved Garba penned by you and we wanted to make a song with a fresh rhythm, composition and flavour. @Jjust_Music helped us bring this song and video to life,'' Dhvani wrote in the caption. 

The teaser of the song features clips of

people doing Garba and offering prayers to nine goddesses during the nine days of the festival Navratri. The song also features Dhvani performing Garba.

''I hope your poetic notes will resonate more vibrantly through this rendition. Wishing you a Happy Navratri!'' Dhvani added in the tweet thread. 

The song is directed by Nadeem Shah and presented by Jackky Bhagnani and Jjust Music. 

Now, PM Narendra Modi has also reacted to the song and thanked Dhvani for 'lovely rendition of a Garba'. ''Thank you @dhvanivinod, Tanishk Bagchi and the team of @Jjust_Music for this lovely rendition of a Garba I had penned years ago! It does bring back many memories. I have not written for many years now but I did manage to write a new Garba over the last few days, which I will share during Navratri.''
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